My reflection
The cluster. Mass media and society, American film history, english101/103. This semester my advisor had recommended me to take a cluster. These classes were very interesting.
English101/103. As I started the semester I had imagine that for these classes I was going to be doing a lot of writing ..... on paper. Pages of essays, a bunch of books, a lot of research but I was wrong. Since the class started we joined a blogger. Which is was kind of interesting since I never had one. This class has basically thought me a few things like blogging, a little of philosophy, and how us as class can help one another., The semester started with this. I was kind of skeptical about the idea. I was used to only the teacher/professor being able to see my work. Everything I put on this website would be seen by anyone. Including rough drafts, unfinished work etc. But afterwards I got the hang of it. I like it. You get to see other people’s ideas, who agrees with yours and who sees it different. The blogger was another good idea since we didn’t have to hand in paper work. Not only is it good for the economy, computers make it much easier to give your work in, or post it. The book we were reading was kind of confusing in a way, Philosophers explaining their ideas on how we could be in the matrix. Not only did they make me question earth but they taught me to think outside the box.
Mass Media and society, Class was actually one of my favorite. Since the subjects we talked about were really in my interest. I’m interested in communication studies although I’m very quiet. We researched people who have had impact in the world of media. Examples John Dewey, Marshall McLuhan etc . The talking about how everything in the media is used to manipulate people, how sad it is that a lot of people let this happen. Commercials, News, programs everything is limited to us. One thing that really caught my attention was the book he was talking about[don’t remember the name] “how the point of life is that there is no point.”
American film history. This class I would say was my least favorite. Just because im not interested in film as much as regular people would be. It was good knowing how people in the 20’s saw movies and how they were made. How much they developed thru out the years. How the change has been drastic. But it really isn’t my interest. I would recommend this class to people that are interested in films. People that would want to become directors or actors, because the class is very insightful when it comes to the dynamics and structure of film.
In conclusion this cluster was actually my first semester in college , and I really liked it. Im not sure how work outside of the cluster would really work since the teacher in the cluster actually communicate with each other.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
blog 24 . . .have to type it
Many movies thru out our history have came out confusing human reality, making us question life. Many portray different events , such as a game [eXistenZ] , A virtual job [Sleep Dealer] or just making us question if were in the matrix in general. What these three movies have in common is that there all about getting plugged in “penetrated” like Cynthia Freeland would say. Theese movies make us see life as easier in some way.
Social Class
As known today , there’s been a lot of issues considering the fact that there’s to many immigrants that they seem they want to get rid of. But if you realize in the movie existens the Americans still want their service. Sleep dealer was a movie based on . . . . . . . . .
Social Class
As known today , there’s been a lot of issues considering the fact that there’s to many immigrants that they seem they want to get rid of. But if you realize in the movie existens the Americans still want their service. Sleep dealer was a movie based on . . . . . . . . .
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
blog 23
. . .there bassically claiming that the matrix is what karl marx did/wanted.[marxist]
americans worker are made to belief that they are working at there own will.
Thier main arguments surround the idea of being "coppertops", being slaves to the workforce in relation to capitalism . . .
americans worker are made to belief that they are working at there own will.
Thier main arguments surround the idea of being "coppertops", being slaves to the workforce in relation to capitalism . . .
Thursday, May 20, 2010
blog 22 . . . . not done.
After watching both films I believe both of them were culturally relevant. In some sort of way they both had their points and differences. In many ways they confused the human reality and proven to us that we don’t know if this is all a game, virtual reality. Many reasons for this is because of the technology we have now. Although I’m pretty sure we aren’t in the matrix or in a virtual game the movies still make us question ourselves and life.
Mentioning my point of view, existenZ was more interesting but the matrix was more culturally relevant in some ways. As they show the pink goo that we are supposedly in, and show the difference between the virtual world and the “real one” In many kinds of way in the matrix its showed that it can be true. An example being how the world we live in now we wouldn’t know if there’s somebody controlling us, or a society of undercover detectives.
As Cynthia does mention I believe the matrix is more culturally relevant especially mentioning the fact that it seem kind of sexist. The world we live in is unfortunally sexist, and although the woman’s have more right then before it still seems as though the man is still in power..
A lot of more human beings would accept playing a “video” game rather than having to make a decision between the blue or the red pill, because people are too afraid of reality. Some would just rather stick to what they are use to even if it’s fake. In ExistenZ the director confused the human being mind. As Cynthia Freeland had mentioned “we feel unable to difference between reality and illusion”. The point of the game was to make it out alive. But after they were out they weren’t sure if the real was real or if they were still in the game. As both of the movies had a few of similarities they were basically saying the same.
Seeing the movie ExistenZ let me understand cynthia’s Freeland’s point of view. Of course the women would have more play in this movie since she was the one that invented the game. Just like her I actually enjoyed watching existenZ more than watching the matrix.
Mentioning my point of view, existenZ was more interesting but the matrix was more culturally relevant in some ways. As they show the pink goo that we are supposedly in, and show the difference between the virtual world and the “real one” In many kinds of way in the matrix its showed that it can be true. An example being how the world we live in now we wouldn’t know if there’s somebody controlling us, or a society of undercover detectives.
As Cynthia does mention I believe the matrix is more culturally relevant especially mentioning the fact that it seem kind of sexist. The world we live in is unfortunally sexist, and although the woman’s have more right then before it still seems as though the man is still in power..
A lot of more human beings would accept playing a “video” game rather than having to make a decision between the blue or the red pill, because people are too afraid of reality. Some would just rather stick to what they are use to even if it’s fake. In ExistenZ the director confused the human being mind. As Cynthia Freeland had mentioned “we feel unable to difference between reality and illusion”. The point of the game was to make it out alive. But after they were out they weren’t sure if the real was real or if they were still in the game. As both of the movies had a few of similarities they were basically saying the same.
Seeing the movie ExistenZ let me understand cynthia’s Freeland’s point of view. Of course the women would have more play in this movie since she was the one that invented the game. Just like her I actually enjoyed watching existenZ more than watching the matrix.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
blog 21 . .
im acctaully not quite sure if im using 2012 as my final project . . . im doing alot of research on it. The defiinition as why the mayan calender goes up to only 2012, and How some people have seem to believe parts of the media , and how the world might end in 2012. Esspecially after the film 2012 .
. . . . . =/ . . . not quite sure if im sticking to this for my final . . . .
. . . . . =/ . . . not quite sure if im sticking to this for my final . . . .
Penetrating Keanu
In “penetrating Keanu” Cynthia Freeland mentions a lot of good points about the matrix. I’m not a big fan of the matrix as it seem like everyone else is. And I actually looked forward to watching ExistenZ. She does mention a lot of the book being sexist, which happens to be somewhat true. As she mention trinity came out to be like one of them but instead was like “neo’s sidekick” like she mention and was again the male was the hero.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
blog 18
i decided to do my final project on 2012[not the movie] yet it did have alot of impact on people believing how the world is going to end or how its coming to an end. i started doing it as a powerpoint. ima answer the question whether the world might come to an end, and all the myths and religious toughts.
blog 17 . . .
The final project :: i was a little confused , i dont know what to do it on yet. Ideas pop into my head and im not sure if they would make sense to the point of the final project. So for now ill be doling research , this will be updated soon.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
rough draft . . .
[I can’t offer a single answer but issue worth considering.]
As known, violence has increased throughout the years. This can be caused by many reason, as my search goes on I realize that humanity can go in many different ways. As much as we can blame the media, we can blame other human beings as well. Although media has a great influence on young adults it can also depends on how the infant was brought up. There household, there experience, whether they been raped/molested, bullied, threaten been in a house full of drugs or parents who didn’t care about them, etc. Many of these reasons can be the cause of violence. Especially for an adolescent grow up.
An infant can carry so much hate within them since the moment they learn to realize the difference between liking and disliking. When children start to use their new developed powers of logical thinking, to see for themselves the things they been told all their lives by adults [especially their parents] begin to make more sense for them. Your personality forms, most of your decision are made, bad influence, what’s bad, what’s good, the difference between, dangerous and non-dangerous, and what you’re exposed to.
Of course it's a negative thing to sit in front of the television all day , and yes it does have a lot of bad influences now , but we cant only blame that.
As known, violence has increased throughout the years. This can be caused by many reason, as my search goes on I realize that humanity can go in many different ways. As much as we can blame the media, we can blame other human beings as well. Although media has a great influence on young adults it can also depends on how the infant was brought up. There household, there experience, whether they been raped/molested, bullied, threaten been in a house full of drugs or parents who didn’t care about them, etc. Many of these reasons can be the cause of violence. Especially for an adolescent grow up.
An infant can carry so much hate within them since the moment they learn to realize the difference between liking and disliking. When children start to use their new developed powers of logical thinking, to see for themselves the things they been told all their lives by adults [especially their parents] begin to make more sense for them. Your personality forms, most of your decision are made, bad influence, what’s bad, what’s good, the difference between, dangerous and non-dangerous, and what you’re exposed to.
Of course it's a negative thing to sit in front of the television all day , and yes it does have a lot of bad influences now , but we cant only blame that.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
blog 14
Today i plan on finshing joyce paper. I havent seen the movie so i have to watch it and begin my rough draft, or maybe even my final draft. I will disscuss how they had different types of effect in the 20 century to let us know the difference between good and evil.
Sunrise . . . =/
Sunrise also known as a song of two humans came out in 1927. This is an American film directed by German film director F.W.Murnau is known as the most beautiful and brilliant movies that came out during the silent era. This movie is really old, and it’s interesting how silent movies can be so understandable. How the director can make us distinguish so many things to things such as special effects. None of the actors speak. The director allows us to see everything, their movements/acting, allowing us to understand what’s happening or letting us feel the impact. Everything the director does is done for a reason. Silent movies aren’t really silent. They have many special affects that provide us with other type of languages besides speaking. Body movement, lighting, acting style, camera movements, set design, and special effects, letting us differ good from evil.
Body movement can mean a lot, how the director places his actors is very important. In the beginning of the movie when he was going to meet up with the woman from the city, the fact that once he got there . . . she kissed him, then laid on the floor she was on top of him which meant so much more then what it may seem. She was in control, or had a lot of control towards him. This wasn’t a positive thing since what she doing or trying to persuade him to do was evil. The parallel effect that they kept showing between him and his wife could let us know what was going on. His wife knew what was going on. Once he got home and he was leaning against the wall, we can imagine what he was thinking. The husband wasn’t excited to be home or to see his wife or his kid. He was already thinking about leaving especially since the woman from the city had already signaled him to. His face expression and the way he was looking around let us into that. To let us know he also felt guilty. Once his wife enters the scene/sequence and leans where he was leaning by the wall, showing that she knows something. She knows he was there and has left to meet up with the woman from the city. She then sinks into the chair with a gloomy and embittered look. It was obvious that she was disappointed but she knew it was happening, by her gestures and the way she looked.
Just because we aren’t listening to them talk doesn’t mean it’s silent or non-understandable. We have many other things that we are listening to, well paying attention to. The music for example, it allows us to understand the moods. What the character is feeling. It also allows us to differ good from bad. With sound we can predict many other things. We are aware when something lovely/good is about to happen, or when something dangerous/bad is about to happen. The cross cutting from the first sequence: the lady from the city to the wife, the music was letting us know his wife agony. His confusing of not knowing what he wants and showing us his sexual attraction and his guilt. The suggestion the woman from the city had made of killing her, and moving to the city. The flash card that came up with the words “couldn’t she drown?” F.W Murnau puts a special effect on the word drown making it fade into view and also different type of music while showing this effect. The director shows a dissolving picture how there life in the city would be, her showing it as everyday enjoyable. After she lets him picture that she tells him to go to the city and His reaction was to choke his mistress. The music the director was playing while the farmer was picturing the murder we knew he wasn’t too happy about what the woman had mentioned which resulted in him choking her then her stealing a kiss.
When it something more intense is about to happen the music lets us know. Since once he was about to kill his wife, the music was more fast and sounded more like mysterious. This is because the director wanted us to feel what’s was about to happen. To make us more eager into knowing what he was going to do. Around 1920’s they didn’t have much effect in movies but the ones they did have spoke for themselves. It described all the cuts and the different feeling from each scene. Another example can be when they “fell in love again” how the music represented their happiness, how he was sorry, the music was slower and lighter. We even got to hear the bells from church ring. Representing marriage, peaceful, happiness.
With a sophisticated use of light, dark and shadows, moods and the contrast between rural 'country' life and urban 'city' life are emphasized through sun-lit and studio-lit exterior and interior shots. Silent movies use light to let us know the difference between days and nights. It can also help us differ dangerous and un-dangerous moments. First example can be how the lighting lets us see how the wife is blonde; she’s faithful, farmer meaning she’s a peasant. We can also see how the city woman, is dressed in heels [more high-class] she has dark hair [more dangerous] and wears a black dress with heals. Another example can be how they meet up in the beginning; the woman from the city getting ready to meet up with him. How she resembles some type of vampire, pale face [lighting] full moon, goes out in the dark [night time] making some lighting by showing the full moon , which would also be consider as dangerous [evil] in some cases. Since monsters usually come out at night, we can also come to the conclusion that what he’s doing isn’t right. Another part where lighting is used to let us know something evil is happening is where the shadow of him is shown, when he was walking back to the house to get his wife. This also represented a lot, the angle the camera was in we couldn’t see him, and we only saw the shadow, meaning he was about to do something that wasn’t really him. The lighting seem a little mysterious, showing us that what was about to happen wasn’t good, but showing a nice lighting in the interior , of how happy his wife was about the trip they were going to take. Thinking they were going to make up. How innocent she was. Using close ups to see her smiling and happy. The director also uses long shot to show us his wife twirling around. Dancing. Perfect lighting used to show happiness and morning time.
In the movie it shows how from being evil he turns into being a good person. His change of character, he was shown as angry, the lighting was more gloomy and grey towards his area. Then the shown how he felt bad about what he was about to do. How she was afraid of him and when she realized what was going to happen to her, she started running. The lighting when he was chasing her shown everything in their surroundings. There wasn’t any more evil in him.
The lighting was also shown once they went back to being good. How the city lights bring them a lot of excitement. How there happiness is shown thru sunlight and even when sundown you can see the reflection of the moon on the lake and how different it looked when he was at the swamp with the woman from the city. You hear a lot of Fun and excitement. It’s getting dark so you know it nighttime, heading back home, another honeymoon by the moonlight. The lighting was different from the night at the swamp. It looked like a happier environment. The lighting let us see how it was going to rain. We see the wind blowing causing the water/rain to move. We see a parallel image of people running and holding their hats. We also see the waves start to move the boat.
We notice that the director shows us that there was going to be a storm, he let us see lightening. We know something dangerous is going to happen because it also gets darker and the peaceful place that was once in the scene disappears. We can see the danger ahead and the worried look on his face, while trying to save both of them. With lighting effect we are able to see the danger, and how being out in the water that late wasn’t a good idea. As he tries to save them the director uses a close up to show how they was going to use the brushes to save themselves. How once again in this century, being out so late wasn’t a good idea.
During this century, when movies starting coming out we are allowed to differ good and evil. The director shows us different effect and different style to let us into coming sense. Many effects that I spoke about in this essay. The angles are very important, just as the lighting and the music. When a actor places us in a specific angle, it allows us to see everything he wants us to. Like them laying on a lake, letting us see the full moon, or him walking in his house letting us just see his shadow. Letting them experience the thrill and having the audience guess what’s about to happen.
Body movement can mean a lot, how the director places his actors is very important. In the beginning of the movie when he was going to meet up with the woman from the city, the fact that once he got there . . . she kissed him, then laid on the floor she was on top of him which meant so much more then what it may seem. She was in control, or had a lot of control towards him. This wasn’t a positive thing since what she doing or trying to persuade him to do was evil. The parallel effect that they kept showing between him and his wife could let us know what was going on. His wife knew what was going on. Once he got home and he was leaning against the wall, we can imagine what he was thinking. The husband wasn’t excited to be home or to see his wife or his kid. He was already thinking about leaving especially since the woman from the city had already signaled him to. His face expression and the way he was looking around let us into that. To let us know he also felt guilty. Once his wife enters the scene/sequence and leans where he was leaning by the wall, showing that she knows something. She knows he was there and has left to meet up with the woman from the city. She then sinks into the chair with a gloomy and embittered look. It was obvious that she was disappointed but she knew it was happening, by her gestures and the way she looked.
Just because we aren’t listening to them talk doesn’t mean it’s silent or non-understandable. We have many other things that we are listening to, well paying attention to. The music for example, it allows us to understand the moods. What the character is feeling. It also allows us to differ good from bad. With sound we can predict many other things. We are aware when something lovely/good is about to happen, or when something dangerous/bad is about to happen. The cross cutting from the first sequence: the lady from the city to the wife, the music was letting us know his wife agony. His confusing of not knowing what he wants and showing us his sexual attraction and his guilt. The suggestion the woman from the city had made of killing her, and moving to the city. The flash card that came up with the words “couldn’t she drown?” F.W Murnau puts a special effect on the word drown making it fade into view and also different type of music while showing this effect. The director shows a dissolving picture how there life in the city would be, her showing it as everyday enjoyable. After she lets him picture that she tells him to go to the city and His reaction was to choke his mistress. The music the director was playing while the farmer was picturing the murder we knew he wasn’t too happy about what the woman had mentioned which resulted in him choking her then her stealing a kiss.
When it something more intense is about to happen the music lets us know. Since once he was about to kill his wife, the music was more fast and sounded more like mysterious. This is because the director wanted us to feel what’s was about to happen. To make us more eager into knowing what he was going to do. Around 1920’s they didn’t have much effect in movies but the ones they did have spoke for themselves. It described all the cuts and the different feeling from each scene. Another example can be when they “fell in love again” how the music represented their happiness, how he was sorry, the music was slower and lighter. We even got to hear the bells from church ring. Representing marriage, peaceful, happiness.
With a sophisticated use of light, dark and shadows, moods and the contrast between rural 'country' life and urban 'city' life are emphasized through sun-lit and studio-lit exterior and interior shots. Silent movies use light to let us know the difference between days and nights. It can also help us differ dangerous and un-dangerous moments. First example can be how the lighting lets us see how the wife is blonde; she’s faithful, farmer meaning she’s a peasant. We can also see how the city woman, is dressed in heels [more high-class] she has dark hair [more dangerous] and wears a black dress with heals. Another example can be how they meet up in the beginning; the woman from the city getting ready to meet up with him. How she resembles some type of vampire, pale face [lighting] full moon, goes out in the dark [night time] making some lighting by showing the full moon , which would also be consider as dangerous [evil] in some cases. Since monsters usually come out at night, we can also come to the conclusion that what he’s doing isn’t right. Another part where lighting is used to let us know something evil is happening is where the shadow of him is shown, when he was walking back to the house to get his wife. This also represented a lot, the angle the camera was in we couldn’t see him, and we only saw the shadow, meaning he was about to do something that wasn’t really him. The lighting seem a little mysterious, showing us that what was about to happen wasn’t good, but showing a nice lighting in the interior , of how happy his wife was about the trip they were going to take. Thinking they were going to make up. How innocent she was. Using close ups to see her smiling and happy. The director also uses long shot to show us his wife twirling around. Dancing. Perfect lighting used to show happiness and morning time.
In the movie it shows how from being evil he turns into being a good person. His change of character, he was shown as angry, the lighting was more gloomy and grey towards his area. Then the shown how he felt bad about what he was about to do. How she was afraid of him and when she realized what was going to happen to her, she started running. The lighting when he was chasing her shown everything in their surroundings. There wasn’t any more evil in him.
The lighting was also shown once they went back to being good. How the city lights bring them a lot of excitement. How there happiness is shown thru sunlight and even when sundown you can see the reflection of the moon on the lake and how different it looked when he was at the swamp with the woman from the city. You hear a lot of Fun and excitement. It’s getting dark so you know it nighttime, heading back home, another honeymoon by the moonlight. The lighting was different from the night at the swamp. It looked like a happier environment. The lighting let us see how it was going to rain. We see the wind blowing causing the water/rain to move. We see a parallel image of people running and holding their hats. We also see the waves start to move the boat.
We notice that the director shows us that there was going to be a storm, he let us see lightening. We know something dangerous is going to happen because it also gets darker and the peaceful place that was once in the scene disappears. We can see the danger ahead and the worried look on his face, while trying to save both of them. With lighting effect we are able to see the danger, and how being out in the water that late wasn’t a good idea. As he tries to save them the director uses a close up to show how they was going to use the brushes to save themselves. How once again in this century, being out so late wasn’t a good idea.
During this century, when movies starting coming out we are allowed to differ good and evil. The director shows us different effect and different style to let us into coming sense. Many effects that I spoke about in this essay. The angles are very important, just as the lighting and the music. When a actor places us in a specific angle, it allows us to see everything he wants us to. Like them laying on a lake, letting us see the full moon, or him walking in his house letting us just see his shadow. Letting them experience the thrill and having the audience guess what’s about to happen.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Blog 12
i would say that the only problem im having is the introduction. So far it's seem that i found all my research although im still looking for more to prove my point , but i just dont know how to start it. My claim would be that televison isnt the cause of vilonce, but i dont know how to start my paper.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
blog 11
What I said I was going to do . . .
I need to decide what my claim will be, although I had already thought it out I’m not sure if that is going to be it. I had decide to do more research on both sides of the argument. Pick up facts and evidence for my claim.
What I actually did . . . . .
I researched both sides of the story, although I’m still not sure what my claim is, my mind is pretty clear that there is a difference between kids that watch a lot of television and kids who don’t. It does have influence on them since television now a day has a lot of violence on, rather than non-violence. But it can also be the way the adolescent life has been. Other humans can be the cause of the increase in violence.
For next class . . . .
Gather all evidence and I should have my draft started , and picked my claim by the end of today.
I need to decide what my claim will be, although I had already thought it out I’m not sure if that is going to be it. I had decide to do more research on both sides of the argument. Pick up facts and evidence for my claim.
What I actually did . . . . .
I researched both sides of the story, although I’m still not sure what my claim is, my mind is pretty clear that there is a difference between kids that watch a lot of television and kids who don’t. It does have influence on them since television now a day has a lot of violence on, rather than non-violence. But it can also be the way the adolescent life has been. Other humans can be the cause of the increase in violence.
For next class . . . .
Gather all evidence and I should have my draft started , and picked my claim by the end of today.
blog 10
Eduardo’s post: The ad he picked was very interesting. What he pointed out made a lot of sense. Which the creator of the game used the female to attract the buyer. Most video games buyer are guys. I agreed with Santiago, which I didn’t mention on my reply was that he could of mention how a game like that was rated E.
Dafney’s post: It seems like she picked the ad because she knew more about it, which I don’t blame her. I couldn’t criticize it much in my opinion I didn’t find much wrong with it beside that she could of got into more detail with what the ad was saying or what was happening instead of what she knows. If she would of examine the photo maybe there was more to say.
Dafney’s post: It seems like she picked the ad because she knew more about it, which I don’t blame her. I couldn’t criticize it much in my opinion I didn’t find much wrong with it beside that she could of got into more detail with what the ad was saying or what was happening instead of what she knows. If she would of examine the photo maybe there was more to say.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
blog 9
Thesis Statement is the sentence in your introduction that pretty much describes what your essay going to be about. Your opinion, hypothesis if there is one. This is usually described in less than two sentences. subject, since that’s why the reader is going to keep reading. Without this or enough research done for your statement your essay can be confusing.
Research. Research is usually done during the start of a project/essay. It can be define as an investigation in some way. Data you gather or a study on a particular subject. Research is done in order to support your It would most likely be in the beginning or at the end of your intro. You wouldn’t want to go to deep in the thesis statement. To have back up information to what you stated and why you stated it. Using all types of resources, ,books, internet, etc.
Argument. In order to have an argument you have to have enough information on what you studying or what you are arguing about. You would have to find a way to persuade the reader to agree with you or the people.
Claim.What the writer believes to be true. What the writer claims in his statement.
Reason. A reason is an explanation of why you think what you’re thinking. What you’re describing and why. It fits into studying/researching and giving an explanation.
Evidence. Evidence is proof of what you’re doing, showing the reason why you think what you think and giving examples. Proof of what you believe in and why.
MLA citation style. This is the reference to where you got your information. Either if it’s published or unpublished. Title, author, website, etc. Mentioning where the information came from.
The mid-term basically asks to do all the words I just defined, research, claim, evidence, and argument. The subject were studying is whether people that grew up watching TV makes them more dangerous/violent than people who rarely watch TV. I can agree that TV does make people more violent than people who don’t watch TV. I’m actually not sure how I’m going to prove this statement yet, but I can use the internet, the book freakonomics , and people in my surrounding I guess.
Research. Research is usually done during the start of a project/essay. It can be define as an investigation in some way. Data you gather or a study on a particular subject. Research is done in order to support your It would most likely be in the beginning or at the end of your intro. You wouldn’t want to go to deep in the thesis statement. To have back up information to what you stated and why you stated it. Using all types of resources, ,books, internet, etc.
Argument. In order to have an argument you have to have enough information on what you studying or what you are arguing about. You would have to find a way to persuade the reader to agree with you or the people.
Claim.What the writer believes to be true. What the writer claims in his statement.
Reason. A reason is an explanation of why you think what you’re thinking. What you’re describing and why. It fits into studying/researching and giving an explanation.
Evidence. Evidence is proof of what you’re doing, showing the reason why you think what you think and giving examples. Proof of what you believe in and why.
MLA citation style. This is the reference to where you got your information. Either if it’s published or unpublished. Title, author, website, etc. Mentioning where the information came from.
The mid-term basically asks to do all the words I just defined, research, claim, evidence, and argument. The subject were studying is whether people that grew up watching TV makes them more dangerous/violent than people who rarely watch TV. I can agree that TV does make people more violent than people who don’t watch TV. I’m actually not sure how I’m going to prove this statement yet, but I can use the internet, the book freakonomics , and people in my surrounding I guess.
moving images.
Going to the museum of moving images was really fun. It was a group of five although we kept separating we all ended up together, since the stuff inside were really interesting. One of the things I found interesting were how old music videos were actually made, and how they look now. The background could be changed and you can be put any where, an example inside a driving a car, inside a house or even in the sky. How they made movies with cameras so big and some didn’t even have wheels. The experience was really nice an one think I loved was actually playing my favorite game ever: Mario =] . Knowing that the kids from this generation, that’s were on school trips in the museum didn’t even know the games that were in there. I don’t think they would even have fun playing sonic or Mario or street fighter when it first came out. But it was interesting to see how it all began.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
blog 7
A lot of things discussed in class[not just English] are very interesting. Such as the first subject of us becoming or being cyborgs, to reality T.V, or the movie the matrix, media.How all of this has an affected in our future. I really like this class, and the blogs we have had to do because I can actually read and see where people see thing different then I do , where I can be wrong, or maybe I can be right. Although I don’t know if my blogs are correct or wrong I don’t mind using this blogger or doing the assignments online. It’s better than handing in paper every daywe do see each other. Everything in this cluster is basically on computer or physical which I enjoy a lot. The advisor had recommended this cluster , I don’t regret taking her advice.
The matrix
The matrix was a movie that came out 1998 , a movie based on how the future might be ,or how we might be living now. It was discussed in class mentioning how we wouldn’t know if were living it now. We wouldn’t know at least not fully since the world were in now can seem so real , and its all we know. Neo is the main character and he knows that the world he was in wasn’t real since his dreams were telling him otherwise. When he had to make a choice of the red pill or blue ,he knew there was something wrong so might as well just go "down the rabbit hole" , and face reality.
In the matrix, sexuality or gender doesn’t really matter. They all are technically machines which aren’t so far from what humanity is now. The difference is that we don’t become them just use them. In the movie they get plugged into this cyber world, that anyone can be anyone. So when it comes to gender or sexuality I don’t think it matters. You can learn anything instead of getting trained physically. A memory is plugged in your head of everything in that subject/action. Trinity like neo or Morpheus participated in every one of their action and fought just like them. Either female or male can be part of this group so gender didn’t matter. Neo is presented as a white male but just like he can be white, he can be any other race, as the chosen one. I don’t think race would have mattered either. Spanish,black.asian, etc. Morpheus was black and he was the leader of the group, he was the one in charge and basically in power, the one who made neo realize he was the one. If neo was in charge he could of did the same think to Morpheus and train him or guide him threw the steps.
Being put in the position neo was put in and picking between the life I live or facing what’s becoming of the world, I think I would prefer the matrix. Sooner or later reality will come to you and you would realize something’s wrong. Just like Platos cave, one of them realized that there’s more to life than just the cave/wall. Living an illusion wouldn’t be an option beside in the matrix you have options of being who you want to be. I wouldn’t say were living it now, but it’s not far from what humanity becoming. All humans are becoming cyborgs, technology is becoming a part of life. Cell phones, alarms clocks, computers, everything at the touch of our hands. Humans are becoming so addictive to technology/machines, we basically depend on it. To wake up, for the weather, for the news, the cell phones we carry can basically do anything we want on them. The relationships that humans have with tools and machines it’s very dependent. Without any machines like I’ve said a few times it makes life easier so we use them, for a human to stop now it’ll be hard. So the matrix can be an example of how the world will be. Or better yet becoming.
In the matrix, sexuality or gender doesn’t really matter. They all are technically machines which aren’t so far from what humanity is now. The difference is that we don’t become them just use them. In the movie they get plugged into this cyber world, that anyone can be anyone. So when it comes to gender or sexuality I don’t think it matters. You can learn anything instead of getting trained physically. A memory is plugged in your head of everything in that subject/action. Trinity like neo or Morpheus participated in every one of their action and fought just like them. Either female or male can be part of this group so gender didn’t matter. Neo is presented as a white male but just like he can be white, he can be any other race, as the chosen one. I don’t think race would have mattered either. Spanish,black.asian, etc. Morpheus was black and he was the leader of the group, he was the one in charge and basically in power, the one who made neo realize he was the one. If neo was in charge he could of did the same think to Morpheus and train him or guide him threw the steps.
Being put in the position neo was put in and picking between the life I live or facing what’s becoming of the world, I think I would prefer the matrix. Sooner or later reality will come to you and you would realize something’s wrong. Just like Platos cave, one of them realized that there’s more to life than just the cave/wall. Living an illusion wouldn’t be an option beside in the matrix you have options of being who you want to be. I wouldn’t say were living it now, but it’s not far from what humanity becoming. All humans are becoming cyborgs, technology is becoming a part of life. Cell phones, alarms clocks, computers, everything at the touch of our hands. Humans are becoming so addictive to technology/machines, we basically depend on it. To wake up, for the weather, for the news, the cell phones we carry can basically do anything we want on them. The relationships that humans have with tools and machines it’s very dependent. Without any machines like I’ve said a few times it makes life easier so we use them, for a human to stop now it’ll be hard. So the matrix can be an example of how the world will be. Or better yet becoming.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
truman syndrome
This syndrome can basically mean or add up to a person being paranoid. Although sometimes it may feel like you’re being watched most likely were not. The reason they call it the Truman syndrome or delusion is based upon the movie that came out, of a guy being born into a reality show without knowing [the Truman show]. There’s many thing that make the syndrome worst, for example having cameras almost everywhere we go. We are basically being watch in our every move but some people seem to think it’s just them. After the move People with seemed to think they were being filmed. It has harmed a lot people. While doing my research I was reading a couple of articles, of patients that have thought they were the center of attention.One of them mentioning that its happen to more than 1.; “Psychologist brothers Joel and Ian Gold, who are writing a paper about the illness, have treated five men, all between the ages of 25-34, for the disorder. Although it may be hard to believe, in can actually be true. Especially with all these reality shows and all these channels a lot of people seem to find things like this interesting.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Although Truman was real, his surrounding weren’t. Being born to be a star and not know it was Chirstoff plan. He was filming him since birth. There’s a big difference between reality TV and the Truman show. Unlike “the bachelor” “survivor” or “the real world”, Truman didn’t sign up for this life, he was put into it. He was free of danger and protected. Although he got to do whatever he wanted most of it was set up, his wife, friends, job even his mother was in it.
This kind of life style wasn’t right, and I think he realizes it at the end. When he finds out that everything isn’t true, he somewhat rebels. Chirstoff tries to convince him to stay.He say’s, "I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life. The world, the place you live in, is the sick place. Sea haven is the way the world should be”. Truman wasn’t living a normal life, his life was planned, he was away from reality. Everybody in there was living a fake life. I don’t agree with what Christof said. Yes, sea haven was beautiful, nice beach, beautiful houses, but it isn’t a life I would like to live. Just like Truman I would make the choice and leave. It’s kind of uncomfortable finding out that you’re being watched for so long, like any human being there’s always a curious feeling to want to find out the truth. In my opinion I think he will find it better in the outside. He can associate himself with real people, Most of them knowing about him , since he was on TV for so long.He can expericence real humans not people just acting , for example the lady he met inside , the one trying to free him from the reality show. It was kind of wierd how he was so interested in her and not his "wife". Fake feeling in my opinion will never be fully shown like real ones.
This kind of life style wasn’t right, and I think he realizes it at the end. When he finds out that everything isn’t true, he somewhat rebels. Chirstoff tries to convince him to stay.He say’s, "I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life. The world, the place you live in, is the sick place. Sea haven is the way the world should be”. Truman wasn’t living a normal life, his life was planned, he was away from reality. Everybody in there was living a fake life. I don’t agree with what Christof said. Yes, sea haven was beautiful, nice beach, beautiful houses, but it isn’t a life I would like to live. Just like Truman I would make the choice and leave. It’s kind of uncomfortable finding out that you’re being watched for so long, like any human being there’s always a curious feeling to want to find out the truth. In my opinion I think he will find it better in the outside. He can associate himself with real people, Most of them knowing about him , since he was on TV for so long.He can expericence real humans not people just acting , for example the lady he met inside , the one trying to free him from the reality show. It was kind of wierd how he was so interested in her and not his "wife". Fake feeling in my opinion will never be fully shown like real ones.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The allegory of the cave, like most things philosophy, can be deciphered in many ways. Plato was a Greek philosopher and mathematician who left his mark in history. His philosophy was based on people not really living life just following. If you have lived your life in front of a wall and haven’t experienced nothing else, that’s all you would know. Being tooken out of the cave the person would feel out of place and not know what was going on. In the story they was all chain together, the closest they ever got to reality was seeing their shadows. When someone from the group broke out of the chains and experienced “the fire” no one else believed since the wall was all to their knowledge. No matter how much he tried to convince them. when you break thru and go thru experiences rather than just listening and being afraid of everything it can make you , you. Parent can be an example. They are always trying to protect their kids. But if you experience something beside safety, you can know what the difference is. Don’t have to be chained to everybody’s way of life and believes. Another example can be religious experience. As a priest preaches about how life should be lived and what you should believe, what should be done and what shouldn’t be done. This is a form of being “in the cave” since your experiences are limited.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
i am not a cyborg . . .
A person that can’t live without technology can be called a cyborg. Although most human interact with technology, either it being cell phones, computers, metro cards, etc. Only a few can live without it. This reason is because most technology makes life easier. I would say I’m not a cyborg . Until I realized I do use metro cards, cell phone, and computers, everyday. Can I live without it? Yes. Or at least every human being can say this but can they mean it?
The physical attachment that humanity has with the most basic technologies makes them cyborgs. People who can’t walk depend on wheelchairs, most of them being mechanical, making them more independent. Diabetes people can be considered cyborgs since the mechanicals parts enhance the body’s natural mechanisms through the feedback. Or even the simple thing as a amputated leg. Each day technology becomes more advanced to make everything a little better. Even making an artificial legs move like real ones. Things such as in health issue involve technology so how can we say were not cyborgs . or aleast close to being such.
When you visit someone’s house it’s rarely a house you enter that you see no type of technology. A plasma TV, laptop, the newest cell phones, a house phone that tells you whose calling. The parts of entertainment involve electronic devices, since going to play tag isn’t as fun as before. My life revolves around it. If everything shuts down my life wouldn’t end. Just make life a little harder, or worse. But after a while you can live without it. , or at least I can say I could.
The physical attachment that humanity has with the most basic technologies makes them cyborgs. People who can’t walk depend on wheelchairs, most of them being mechanical, making them more independent. Diabetes people can be considered cyborgs since the mechanicals parts enhance the body’s natural mechanisms through the feedback. Or even the simple thing as a amputated leg. Each day technology becomes more advanced to make everything a little better. Even making an artificial legs move like real ones. Things such as in health issue involve technology so how can we say were not cyborgs . or aleast close to being such.
When you visit someone’s house it’s rarely a house you enter that you see no type of technology. A plasma TV, laptop, the newest cell phones, a house phone that tells you whose calling. The parts of entertainment involve electronic devices, since going to play tag isn’t as fun as before. My life revolves around it. If everything shuts down my life wouldn’t end. Just make life a little harder, or worse. But after a while you can live without it. , or at least I can say I could.
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